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One of the unspoken secrets of online marketing is that while it can dramatically change your financial situation, in the process, it can wreck your health, family life, and also your emotional wellbeing. Unfortunately, this is something that is not usually discussed much, especially by the self-proclaimed “gurus” online trying to sell you $100 + courses. It is so important that you learn how to have a balanced life while striking it rich.

While you have a whole lot of freedom to go about your day as you please, you can become far too easily lose track of your life.  you must learn to separate the various aspects of your life so that work doesn’t sneak right into becoming all that you do. You must learn to develop a supportive routine to maintain normality in your daily life.

By only focusing on the attractive goal of wealth, it can lead to a life that is not particularly pleasing or gratifying. Suppose you survey many of the successful online marketing experts.

You will typically discover that they either have health or anxiety-related issues. Another possibility is that their partner is leaving them (or about to), or they are dealing with some other type of catastrophe as a result of not having a balanced life.

The Pull of Sometimes Illusive Economic Success

I know at first glance we all want to believe that economic success in and of itself would solve all our problems. This new lifestyle is so attractive for many even with all of its ills, as well as the prospect of your life going to pieces in the process. It’s important you go into this with a balanced viewpoint. More so it’s important that you have a balanced lifestyle and you don’t leave sight of other things that matter to you.

It is important to have a well-thought-out process to support you while you’re working toward your goals. This translates into having a balanced lifestyle all the while working toward your dreams while attempting to construct a successful company. You will need a strategy that will keep you well-balanced and grounded as you move forward. Please include the following as you re-create your life:

Examine Your Life

To really support yourself, you will need to have a realistic understanding of how you are spending your day.

To accomplish this, for one week keep track of your time, which includes every moment that you are awake.

Get a calendar that has hourly timeslots. For one week write down what you are spending your time on. Do this and as small increments as you possibly can. If you can, do this in15 minute intervals.

Include categories such as eating, rest, exercise, working on the business, learning. Now, fill in the chart for a minimum of one week. At the end of the week sit down and review exactly what you’ve really been doing with your time. My guess is part of us will be somewhat eye-opening For added clarity, separate your completed schedule into the business versus personal time.

Here is a link to a great article on taking on a “Success” focused Mindset HERE

Make Time to DE-Stress!!!!!

The process of effectively succeeding at Internet marketing can be a lot more difficult than you originally envisioned. Every day, you are either trying to find new clients, attempting to obtain and build sales, or putting out the fires that pop while you are building your business. By understanding in advance that this can take a serious toll on your mental and emotional well-being, it can help you plan and plan early. It is important that you plan to take care of all aspects of your life.

If not, your days and nights will end up being a blur since you’re too busy working at keeping your business running.

The best way to avoid becoming an emotional wreck will be to take some breaks. Take one or two 30 minutes a day just for yourself. You can practice meditation, do yoga, watch a funny video or do something that alleviates your mind and takes you off thinking about the business.

This is not a wild-goose chase. De-stressing will actually give you more energy, better sleep and help you to make your days a lot more effective.

Identify Ways That You Can De-Stress

Understand that for the most part building an online business means spending a lot of time by yourself. Yes, a common effect of online marketing is increasing loneliness. This is a by-product of spending a great deal of time all alone in your home working. As a result, an understanding in advance that you will have fewer possibilities to interact with others, especially than you would have if you are working in an office.

Much of the work to build an online business is basically solitary. I know as well as I’m sitting here by myself writing this article so I know where you’re at. You have no or few associates to speak with. If you’re like me most of my communication on this project is done online via WhatsApp.  Something you’ll likely never think about is that your views can remain static because of you being secluded and singularly focused.

This can obtain boring eventually and even gloomy. So, locate tasks that take you outside the residence. You may sign up with a krav maga institution and get in some exercise while fulfilling brand-new individuals.

Look for Other Ways to Get Away from Your Computer:

For me, I also didn’t understand this at first.  Over time, it became more and more important to step away from the keyboard.  Now, I am constantly aware of the need to get out of the house and interact with others. This in turn will help me to be more productive. I’m sorry but after a while “Zoom” calls just don’t cut it and aren’t filling my need and desire to speak with a living individual.

For you, you need to look for something that suits you, You could join a Pilates class at a local health club, find a jogging club, take up dancing, learn to bowl, etc. etc.

The activity doesn’t matter as long as you find it engaging and it takes your mind out of the office. It is really about getting out and away from the office and giving your brain a much-needed rest. It’s about giving you time to regroup and re-energize,.

While you do not require to be going out daily, once or twice a week will certainly benefit your psychological and also psychological well-being.

Create A Routine

Working by yourself, but especially at your home has many good points, but also many downsides. One thing is that over time you may not know when work begins and also when it ends since it all begins to mix together. For me, I find myself at the computer er at six in the morning and then notice I’m there at 10 o’clock at night. As a result, I had to learn to plan something outside during the day

While you have a great deal of freedom to deal with your day as you please, it’s very easy to lose track of your life and forget that life is way more than just sitting at a computer.

Make sure your life is balance

As you get involved in building your business you can wind up taking a lot of things for granted, such as eating, rest, exercise. There are many stories of online marketers bringing their laptop computers with them and puttering sway on them away continually until they’re so tired, they fall asleep. Or they invest all their time functioning as well as they stop working to calculate what their time is worth. In some cases, a fast-food employee who works fewer hrs may be making more cash, in contrast to a budding online marketer who works 14 hrs a day.

Separate Space for Yourself

If you can do this, it can also really help.

Even if you’re working out of your own house try to separate the work from the rest of your life.

If you can, and your home allows for this, it is beneficial to you that establish a distinct area for work and only for work-related tasks from there. Try not to drag your laptop all over your home. Establish regular and normalcy in your daily life. For me personally, as a result of doing this process, I now have two computer setups in different areas of my home and try to use one for business only and one more for pleasure or personal tasks.

Live life in the moment

It’s important that you constantly keep in mind that “life” is taking place right before your eyes.  Do not postpone your joy to a future day, that likely date in the back of your mind designated for dad when you attain all your goals. Unfortunately, by then, you would certainly have lost a great deal of “life” time. There is also the risk that if and when you do actually achieve your goals that it may not be as satisfying as you hoped it would be. So why not enjoy your life while you’re doing this?

Many people working on this stream have encountered this scenario. Once they have reached their objective, they find out that in all actuality, it doesn’t really excite them as much as they expected. For many when this occurs they then set new goals and once again postpone their happiness. This can become a vicious and unfulfilling cycle that brings about a life that’s not satisfying or pleasing.  My friend, it’s more important than to be happy far too often money alone never brings this. Be happy in the moment, exactly where you are in the process, while also making every effort to do much better and improve your life.

Adopt A Mindset Of (Perpetual) Gratitude

People underestimate the power of gratitude.

In many ways, being grateful is simply about taking the time to notice where you are at. And then as you notice where you’re at-enjoy the moment and be grateful.

By adopting the process of gratitude that tells your unconscious mind that the party is really grateful for what’s been created. What I do is that I went to a printer and had a personal notepad created. On this pad are three sections – which I do every day

Section One =10 things I’m grateful for;

Section Two – Three people I want to send positive wishes to;

Section Three – my top to-do items for tomorrow.

I do this every night for going to bed and it helps me to be organized for the next day but it also really helps me to be grateful for what I’ve accomplished during the day.

The Best Way to Pay for a Lovely Moment Is To Enjoy IT

Richard Bach

Sometimes, it is actually ourselves that holds us back. Negative energy gets stuck in us. Sometimes, its from emotional experiences we did not fully process

Be Safe and Create an Amazing Life – AND!!!

Enjoy Every Moment!!

Paul at

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